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Firefox opens a blank

kesart / 11 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Hi I am having trouble with the Video Play in Motzilla FireFox the Videos play OK in Explorer!

Here's whats Happening:
When I click on a link to a wmv Video Firefox opens a Blank frame behind the Windows media Player (see link) and klick on the wmv Video in the grey text block. (Windows Mediaplayer 9,3 MB) 

How can I stop this blank from opening?


I have als placed this question in "Multimedia"

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kesart violetta7388 „Hallo kesart, you're still missing a suitable plugin for...“

Hi violetta,
Thanks for the tip, but it can't be that, because the Windows Media Player addon is in firefox installed, the video plays (which you can't see in the screen shot) but you can see the white background of the blank page that has opened together with the player and taken the place of the website page. In the tab is the link url.

here is the screen shot:-

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