Archiv DVD, CD, Brenner 21.675 Themen, 83.329 Beiträge

freecom power Cd, parallel port cd-rom drive; installationsprobl

Manfred König / 1 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

(manfred könig)

Dear Sir,
I'm afaid if this is the right site I am searching, for I cannot understand German.
A problem on parallel CD-ROM, noveca's RAP //CD Kit.
With this parallel CD installed, I failed to copy a long-name file to HD.
For example, the file name is 'piccaccount.exe', but in win95 'Windows Explorer',it is showed as 'piccac~1.exe'.
When the same disk is insert into IDE internal CD-ROM, the long-name is displayed correctly.
Due to this kind of failure,I cannot install my application which include long-name file successfully.
Pls help if you have the same experience....
(Doris Zhuang)