Nickles - Team United Devices 466 Themen, 2.124 Beiträge

Ligand-1BZH mit mehreren Targets.

Bombenleger / 0 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Ich war mir nicht ganz sicher ob die beiden bisherigen Protein Targets
in Ligand zu verschiedenen Proteinen gehoeren oder beide zum aktuellen
Prot-Tyr-Phosphatase (1BZH):

Senior Member posted July 02, 2002 14:01

Hi Graham

In the Ligandwindow I saw until now 2 different Current Protein Targets, 1 with "of 310 ligands" the other with "of 300". In the UD-Monitor Thread, which I don\'t use, I\'ve found that the 310er is a Prot-Tyr-Phosphatase (1BZH) which UD named ud_1388771. Does that mean that each Molecule can have different Targetgraphics or is this another issue until it\'s corrected ?

Graham Eames
Moderator posted July 02, 2002 15:21

Yes, as with the molecules, each protein may be displayed in several different ways, usually either rotated or zoomed to show a particular part of the protein.

UD - Moose
UD Employee posted July 02, 2002 15:41

The protein targets are not different. Currently the only Protein target is PTP (1BZH).

With LigandFit we have the ability to tell the graphics to show a different area of the protein target. This is why it looks like 2 differnt targets. In the next version of the graphics we hope to have the discription of the protein in the upper lefthand box to help explain what target you are looking at.

Thank you

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