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NIX geht mehr: "Suspend-to-Disk Partition missing"beim booten

MarkusNoldin / 5 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Hallo zusammen,
beim booten gibt der Rechner mit lautem piepen die o.g. Fehlermeldung aus und nichts geht mehr :-((((

Kann mir jemand einen Tipp geben, wie ich das System mit Win XP wieder zum Leben erwecke. Neu XP aufspielen hat bislang nix gebracht.


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How can I get the system to boot from the operating system and bypass a corrupt save to Disk file?

To get your system to boot directly from the operating system instead of from the save to disk feature, you will need to reboot the system several times. Simply switch the machine on for a second; then turn it off. After approximately five restarts, the system should boot normally. You cannot go into Setup directly to disable the Save to Disk feature once it has been selected, because Setup is not available on a "resume." To disable the feature, reboot the PC under operating system control as explained above, and go to the "power" section of Setup.

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