Nickles - Team Counterstrike 1.515 Themen, 5.962 Beiträge

Steam echt *******

haroun_bm / 2 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Also.... Ich habe dsl xxx...

1) starte cs
2) spiele cs 2 stunden mit 43 ping
3) nach 2 stunden 150 ping
4) schaue nach bei steam>settings: 14.4k modem
5) stelle zu dsl
6) immer noch ping von 150
7) scheiss cs
8) nein is es nicht
9) starte pc neu
10) Error: Steam.exe
Runtime error!


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haroun_bm Nachtrag zu: „Steam echt *******“

danke..hat sich gelöst war ein Bug:(1)

Steam Update - Let's Try This Again...
March 10, 2004, 6:00 pm · Greg Coomer

We've also fixed some issues in Steam:

1)Fixed bug where the Internet connection speed ("rate") was being improperly set to the default value of 1500, causing poor network performance for many users.

2)Games are now marked as ready for offline play when they reach 99.99% of cache loaded rather than 100% (fixed offline play not working for some people)

3)Added a "Do you want to restart now?" dialog when language settings are changed
Server admins should restart their servers to get updated.

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