Archiv Prozessoren 8.660 Themen, 54.742 Beiträge

AMD Triple-Core-CPUs in England und Bulgarien gesichtet...

Olaf19 / 14 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

...allerdings bislang noch nicht einzeln, sondern lediglich in Komplett Systemen -
mehr darüber hier:

Langsam scheint wieder mehr Bewegung in den zuletzt sehr einseitig Intel-dominierten CPU-Markt zu kommen!


Alpha13 siggi12 „ Gibts da einen Link dafür ? - MfG siggi“

Yup, Intel sells dead-core chips too- the Core and Core 2 Solo as well as the Celeron D 4xx series (Conroe-L) are Core or Core 2 Duos with a dead core on the die fused off. Intel won't sell a tri-core chip because they can simply put another fully-functional die in with the other fully-functional die when they make the Core 2 Quad MCM. We'll see if Intel sells any tri-core chips once they put all of the cores on the same die in the Nehalem. I personally don't think they will as they will publicly make fun of AMD for selling a "dud quad" chip and don't want to be made fun of for doing the same. They'll likely disable two cores and make a dual. Intel has enough fab capacity that it won't be a big deal to do that.

Now about the E6300 and E6400- it depends on the stepping. The L2 and M0 revisions are perfectly functional chips made on a smaller 111 mm^2 die, as compared to the earlier 144 mm^2 B2-stepping units that had half of the cache fused off. All Pentium Dual Cores have half of the cache fused off, whether it was bad or not.

So sein das!