Nickles - Team United Devices 466 Themen, 2.124 Beiträge

Neuer Agent erfordert passenden Monitor.

Bombenleger / 0 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

Hi Nutzer

------------------------- schlechte Nachrichten ---------------------


By UD - Jeff Lawson: "One thing to keep in mind with UDMon. The use of "shared cs.ud" files across your multiple cached workunits is not compatible with the new Agent. It is necessary to have separate hostid registrations[known as Device ID] for each instance."

* So, this option is no longer available in UD Monitor.
* Also, fixed a bug - size of Results could be falsely detected as 0Kb.


Tut mir leid fuer Euch, trotzdem gibt es das Teil wie immer hier.

Schoenes (Redesign/Formel 1/Bundesliga/Rad-WM) Wochenende

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